Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pepper Memorial, Friday, 17 August, 2012, 6pm at Tower

Pepper was an extraordinary cat, curious and friendly, adventurous and outgoing. In two short years he became a celebrity on Prospect Hill, and touched the lives of many. His spirit brought people together.

In that spirit, please come together with us to remember Pepper, this Friday the 17th of August, 6pm, at at Prospect Hill Park.

We will have flower pots containing soil mixed with some of Pepper's ashes to give out. The idea is to have Pepper continue to dwell thoroughout the neighborhood. If you can't make the ceremony but would like a flower pot, please let us know.

RSVP by comment below please, so that we can have an approximate headcount.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

R.I.P. Pepper; ~Feb 2010 -- 24 July 2012

We are tremendously sad to tell you all that Pepper died last night. He was struck crossing the McGrath Highway near the bottom of Prospect Hill, and was found shortly afterward by one of his Blog followers, Barry, who called us right away.

Pepper was a joy to know and “own,” and I know he charmed and was loved by many. I will miss him dearly, as will our entire family, especially Meredith and Zachary, who loved him first and best.

Our plan is to hold a little ceremony at Prospect Hill Park in a week or so, and invite the neighborhood to share their favorite Pepper stories. We will post the time and date here once we have that organized.

In the meantime, if you are so moved, we suggest donations be made in Pepper’s memory to the Alliance for Animals in South Boston.


Eric and the Fellinger Family

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Please Bring Pepper Home

By now we have had lots of reports that Pepper is well and being his usual, sociable self around the nighborhood. One person has confessed to feeding him regularly. But in this kind of weather I am very surprised he hasn't made it home, and suspect someone is sheltering him. Which, in general, is OK. But, we haven't seen him in almost two weeks. It's time for him to check in at home.

So, if you are hosting him, please see him home tonight or tomorrow morning. If you should see him out & about, call us (802 859 0859) or, if you are able to gather him up & bring him home we'd appreciate it. #12 Prospect Hill Ave. Thanks.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hello, everyone

I am re-posting the basics of Pepper care, because it seems he's been doing a lot of visiting. We'd like to hear about visits more often, especially from people who choose to allow him into their homes and / or to feed him. He's been absent from our house for several days and we were getting worried. Turns out, many have seen him and he's fine.

Thanks all!


Pepper Care

If you see Pepper out & about, please consider adding a blog post or a comment to let us know. If Pepper comes to visit and you'd like to let him stick around, please let us know that. Just please bear in mind the following:

* If you need to call us please do so between 6am and 10pm. If it's the middle of the night and you don't want to keep him, just put him out! Exceptions are
1) if he seems hurt (ravenously hungry doesn't qualify)
2) if the weather is terrible, or
3) if he's flirting with crossing a busy street (McGrath, Somerville Ave, Washington St, Bow St).

In those instances you can call anytime.

* If you find him off of Prospect Hill (meaning on the wrong side of Union Sq, the McGrath Hwy, Vinal, Highland, Summer, or Washington) please call us or bring him home.

* If Pepper is Visiting You PLEASE DON'T FEED HIM unless you plan to host him on a regular basis over the winter. He needs to learn where the consistent source(s) of food is(are).

* We don't mind him having extended visits (like a couple/3 days) in homes that enjoy having him around... he is a really fun cat! But, of course you'll need to have a litter box and all. Moreover, even if you had a hard time keeping him out of the house, after about 24 hours you'll have a harder time keeping him in!

Thanks, here's to successful community pet management!

-Eric F

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pepper missing again, possibly hiding from scary new kittens

Pepper's missing again.

So... a week ago, we discovered a mama cat and 5 kittens living in a garage a couple doors down, and we took them all in.  The first day we had them, Pepper saw one of the kittens, growled, and took off.

After 2 days, we lodged the mama & kittens with Jackie Lippman who does rescue & placement, with the plan to take 2 of the kittens once they were old enough. A couple of days later, we were convinced that the kittens were old enough and on Saturday, we brought them home. That afternoon, we saw Pepper outside the house and encouraged him to come in. He never saw the kittens, but definitely acted like something was wrong, and didn't even come in the door. We have not seen him since.

Hopefully he is couchsurfing with one or more of his fans? Please let us know if you see him. Thanks.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day 2012: All is well

Rainy April 22nd, 2012, and Pepper's been in since noon. Smart cat. Me too. I'll leave this post up until Pepper goes missing again... hopefully it'll be a while!