Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcome to the Pepper Cat blog

Hello! I'm Pepper, I'm a cat and my home is on Prospect Hill in Somerville. I don't live in any particular house, though there are these people in one house who somehow keep coming to get me when I'm visiting other houses, so I spend a lot of time there. They sometimes don't let me out for days on end, push me off the dining table, and usually offer nothing but dried food.  It's like they think I'm their pet or something. Oh, and they take me to this awful place where I get poked with needles!

Anyway, my pass-times include following new people down the street, meowing from the bushes like I'm in desperate need of help, and dashing into your house when you open the door having no idea I was even around. These are all usually very reliable tactics for scoring a plate of tuna or liver or at least a saucer of milk.

I was born sometime back in about February of 2010 so I've seen a lot of the world. I don't really remember where I started, all I know is that I was on Prospect Hill for a day or so, then I came out of the bushes at #12 Prospect Hill Ave at the next thing I know, the Dad has me boxed up in the spare room with food and a litter box, and keeps me pent up for a couple of weeks! Mostly that was really boring, but the little boy would come in with a feather toy a couple times a day and keep me entertained. Anyway, after few trips to that awful place with the needles, they started letting me out again. Once or twice I've gone back to #12 on my own for lack of anything more interesting to do, but usually I find some new people to get to know. Somehow every time that happens, though, the people from #12 end up coming to find me, or the new person takes me back there. I wonder how they know?

Oh, I've got lots of cool hardware I wear on a collar around my neck. I'll show it to you when I come to check out your place!

So... the air seems to be getting a little colder lately. I sure hope it warms up soon. I have to admit, I've been a little more agressive about barging into people's houses lately.

Anyway, the idea of the blog is to tell everyone about the cool people I meet, and what I've been up to. Maybe this way those people at #12 Prospect Hill won't feel compelled to pull me away from new friends so quickly all the time!

I'll get some pics up soon so you can see me and my 'hood. See you around!



  1. Pepper - YOU ARE OUR CAT. I know you don't get this yet, but when the snow starts flying you will learn the benefit of a permanent address! Thanks for starting the blog, though, this should make it easier for us to keep track of you.

    As for the diet, we're giving you what the vet recommended, and every time you've gorged yourself on tuna fish, most of it ends up back on the floor after 30 minutes so ease up!

  2. If Pepper is Visiting You - Some things you should know. First, PLEASE DON'T FEED HIM unless you plan to host him on a regular basis over the winter. He needs to learn where the consistent source(s) of food is(are).

    We don't mind him having extended visits (like a couple/3 days) in homes that enjoy having him around... he is a really fun cat! But, of course you'll need to have a litter box and all. Moreover, even if you had a hard time keeping him out of the house, after about 24 hours you'll have a harder time keeping him in!

  3. Also, if Pepper comes to call,
    * Please call us between 7am and 10pm. At any other time there will be people asleep in the house. If it's the middle of the night and you don't want to keep him, just put him out! Exceptions are
    1) if the he seems hurt (ravenously hungry doesn't qualify)
    2) if the weather is terrible, or
    3) if he's flirting with crossing a busy street (McGrath, Somerville Ave, Washington St, Bow St).

  4. your cat seems incredibly malnourished. please keep an eye on him.
