Monday, December 27, 2010

Pictures of Pepper

 Per request, here is what Pepper looks like...
 ...being held against his will...
... and cuddling with Zach,


  1. Is pepper still missing? You've picked him up from us before at 75 Columbus Ave. We saw him roaming around here just a few minutes ago. We didn't bring him in though since he seemed ok.


  2. Thanks Samantha! Yes, Pepper is back. Sorry it took a while for us to get that news onto the blog. See the new comment under the "Christmas: Missing!" post.

    This blog worked perfectly last night. Pepper first came out along with me and three kids ages 2 to 5, as we headed down to Union Square. Pepper followed us for most of the trip despite our efforts to chase him back toward the house... there's not much I feel I can do to force him back inside when I've got kids to worry about, sorry! He parted company with us on Columbus, and we called for him but didn't see him on the way back up. As soon as we got home we left again to a friend's in Watertown for dinner.

    While in Watertown, I got the e-mail notifying me of F-Stop's (Samantha's) post. I chose not to worry about it at that time but stopped by in front of 75 Columbus on the way home a few hours later, called for Pepper, and he came running across the street and jumped in the car! So, thanks to Samantha for letting us know where he was!

  3. I was just walking home from The Precinct when a mysterious black cat crossed my path. I saw that he had tags and brought him to my house on Prospect St. He seemed way too friendly to be an outdoor cat, but apparently I was wrong. He had a bit of tuna and a a sniff session with my dog before I logged onto this site and found out about his routine. He did fine even with a 60 lb dog all up in his business. what a great cat. I'll go drop him off closer to your house tonight.

  4. Jason - We happen to be up late tonight so if you see this before 1am, give a call and we'll come get him.
    Very curious where exactly he crossed your path. Was he already on the other side of Union Square from Precinct?

  5. By the way, Jason, thanks for taking him in! Tonight we threw a party in a neighbor's house, and in the process of moving everything up there he tried to get into the other house a couple of times. Then he jumped into a neighbor's car as he they were getting out and it took some doing to get him out of there.
    Staying in the odd-cat vein, it appears Pepper loves snow! Both I and a friend saw him jumping in the new powder, digging in it, rolling in it... "making cat angels" is how my friend described it!
    Also, on Friday, as I was packing Zach and his classmate Liam into the car to go to school, Pepper jumped into the minivan too. So he got to come along on the ride! The boys loved it, they laughed the whole way to school. I was hoping he would figure out that if you jump into someone's car you lose control over where you are, and thus get his fill of jumping into cars. But, he went and jumped into another one tonight so I guess not. I did snap an excellent picture of him on my phone, I'll post that here.


  6. I'm so sorry to have rousted the world at 12:30 in the morning -- there was a beautiful black cat trying to slip through my door for most of the day, and I couldn't help but think that maybe he'd come from far away and needed a warm place (and maybe a good meal!). Little did I know!

    Now that I know who he is and where he's coming from, I promise I'll never make HomeAgain call you in the middle of the night! Sorry ... and from now on, I'll also try to be sure I exhaust the internet options before resorting to the phone, too.

  7. I'm a neighbor on Boston St, at the corner of Greenville. I was leaving for work at about 8am this morning, and was greeted by the cutest little black cat! I love cats and am always concerned when I see one outside in our busy city, so I was glad he was so friendly and let me read his tags. In fact, he immediately jumped into my lap for a cuddle and some head butts.

    I had my iPhone handy, so I was able to find out who Pepper was and after a few more pats and a chat, we both set off to go about our days. He was heading back down Boston St towards Prospect Hill Ave when we parted ways.

    Stay safe, Pepper!

  8. Hi, Bryne here!
    Fount Pepper on my porch as a was coming in tonight. (I live on Greenville st) He actually charged up my stairs into my apartment as if he owned the place. This is the second time he's stopped by my place, and I'm glad to see him again. He's pretty friendly so if he's ready to settle down for the night soon, I'll let him spend the night. Otherwise, I'll put him out before I go to bed. It's actually nice for Boston in February (a balmy 36 degrees) so I don't think I need to bother the owners this late at night.

  9. greetings from bigelow st. we have enjoyed pepper's company periodically since last september when he followed us home one night. as I write this he's rolling around next to me enthralled with some paper. such a friendly cat! nice to have him around since my turkish angora left. we have some food and water for him and a litter box as well but he'll most likely be requesting to go outdoors soon enough! it's now friday morning, april 22.
    cheers & thanks for posting this blogspot!

  10. I saw Pepper tonight, he was walking in front of my house on 414 McGrath Highway. He's been here once before a few months back, but this time my tenant and I looked at his collar. What a great cat! He left my porch before I could call or look closely at your blog, and he was heading to the houses in back of mine, so I'm sure he'll come back home to you. He possibly stops by because I have three cats, one who sits on my doorstep with me for a few minutes every night when I come home. (However, none of my cats is as cool as yours, I couldn't trust them to ever find their way home in case they ever got loose)

  11. It's been a while since I've seen Pepper and I'd love an update. Coolest cat ever!
