Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oct 5 2011 -- Missing

Hello all

Pepper's behavior has become so regular that the blog has become very quiet, which we definitely see as a good thing!

Unfortunately it's been several days since we've seen him now. This is the first time in a while he's been awol so it's taken us some time to update the blog. Please keep an eye out for him and let us know if you see him.

Thank you!


  1. I last saw Pepper on Sunday morning on Greenville St. near Boston Ave. There was a squirrel that has been hit by a car and Pepper was watching it curiously. So sorry to hear Pepper is lost--I'll keep me eyes peeled for him.

  2. Sorry for the double comment, but my husband says he was on our back steps, also near Greenville/Boston, yesterday (10/5) morning! Should we call if we see him again?

  3. Hello! So, Pepper has been back home (on and off) since the 7th! Sorry not to update the blog sooner and let everyone worry for so long.

  4. Pepper stopped by tonight (McGrath Hwy). He came and said hello, then ran up the stairs when I went back inside. He's awesome but since we don't have a litterbox I'll put him out when I go to bed :( hope he finds his way home safe!

  5. We've seen Pepper twice on the playground at Prospect Hill and Munroe. So friendly!

  6. Pepper's hanging out around The Grandview (82 Munroe) today. He's so friendly! Are you still missing him or is he just out for a stroll?

  7. hey pepper fans. does anyone know how to post pictures on the blog? i have some nice pics from a impromptu photo shoot. he is a stellar cat.

  8. Pepper followed me home to Greenville today. I was surprised he was brave enough to come up to me, let alone follow me home. Too bad I have to let him go!
